Blog Postings Inlcude:

Monday, October 19, 2009

Pebbles and Mountains

“Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path, and you will find you have crossed the mountain.”

I read the above passage today and realized that little miracles occur in my life everyday if only I remove the blinders of challenge and change to see them.

Stay inspired to action and remain convicted to your passion for the changeless core of your desire will result in its attainment.

Monday, August 17, 2009

S.M.A.R.T. Goals

My personal vision is alive and well. As I ascended the ranks of the proverbial corporate ladder, I became increasingly disenchanted from my experiences; high levels of self preservation augmented by high levels of conformity and limited levels of empowerment of organizational employees.

This experience led me, beginning several years ago, to consult mentors that would share their experiences and takeaways which have contributed to their current state in life. The seeking of guidance led to many bouts of introspection and personal disclosure which allowed to me to vividly see the many personal opportunities to see and do daily life activities differently. I realized that I was a major contributor in where I was in my life; professionally and personally.

I discovered that I was in control of my destiny and desires. I desired to one day to lead my own organization. Several steps were implemented; 1. Learn all I could about business (operations, management, technical) by enrolling in company led and company sponsored trainings. 2. Enroll in graduate school to elevate my leadership competencies and learning’s. 3. Begin saving for the day I take the leap of faith.

I took the leap of faith in June 2005, enrolled in graduate school and began a husband and wife partnership. In July 2006 the partnership closed, the company incorporated and in 2007 I completed by Masters Degree in Organizational Leadership. A major factor in the leap was an establishing S.M.A.R.T. goal’s that came to fruition over a 3-year period.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Healthy Body

Personal empowerment is the prescription to a healthy body. Believe in your abilities, take action and be the recipient of greatness…

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Activity Challenge

Here’s an activity challenge for you for the next 14-days: Each evening before you go to bed, make a list of things that went well during your day. When you have the completed the list, re-read it to absorb into your unconscious mind.

Mark each evening you complete this exercise on a calendar for a visual reinforcement of your commitment. On the 15th day of the activity, ask yourself if you feel more confident in whom you are than you did just 14-days earlier?

Please share your results with me and anyone else you determine may have the same personal reward of increased self confidence.

Personal Development

When is the last time you gave the same level of urgency to your personal desires that you give to project timelines, meetings, and perceived urgent things in your life? You go to work to pay the mortgage, rent, groceries and life sustaining items; but are you happy or simply going the motions of your daily routine.

The world is largely as you perceive it to be. Your perceptions influence your behavior. At the core of your perceptions lie beliefs. Your beliefs are influenced by your life experiences; it’s the proverbial nature and nurture combination that make you who are.

The complexities of life are frequently cloaked in your daily experiences. The casual person rarely reflects on his contributions to these complexities. The causal nature of your decisions and choices will influence the way you perceive who you are.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Is Your Future Worth $99

See Your Future

Do you see your future in a positive perspective? If not, then remove the glasses of self-limiting beliefs you may be wearing… see the unlimited possibilities the future holds.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Only Good Will Come

Please know that out of your experiences only good will come; a direct result of your efforts and persistence toward a worthy endeavor.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Right Mental Attitude

A right mental attitude takes effort, patience, and practice to gain and maintain.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Having a Vision

A vision of goal attainment gives validity to an individual’s existence which is foundational for trusting you and giving yourself permission to be empowered.  Develop you your vision!


Effective leadership is the ability to cohesively move a group toward a shared vision.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Too Busy to Invest in You?

Ability, according to Wordnet of Princeton University, is “the quality of being able to perform; a quality that permits or facilitates achievement...”  We all have abilities at which we excel; most of us simply do not take the time and effort to identify what our abilities are.  Ask yourself if you possess the ability to bring that effort and its excitement to life.  Invest in yourself, because what you really have at the end of the day is…You!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Inspiration is the urge to move stoic complacency toward unlimited potential.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Current Economy Got U Feeling Blue?

Are you feeling less than spectacular these days?  Maybe it’s because of a pending layoff, extended period between opportunities, a precipitous drop in your investment portfolio or just the over all tenor of the way things are.

First thing to know is, “out of this experience only good will come.”  I found that when the “sky was falling” so many times during my life, the next day, the sky always rose back up again – magic!

Your reality is seen as you believe it to be.  That is to say, if you see yourself as capable and resilient, you will respond with a capable and resilient mindset regardless of what life throws at you, and you will respond with action.

As a business owner, my partners and I are challenged daily to remain inspired that our motivational development firm is needed now more than ever to help folks remain confident that with planning, action and a right mental attitude nothing is insurmountable.

Personal Success steps to curb your economic blues:

  1. Remember YOU are your greatest asset.
  2. Identify what is contributing to you feeling less than stellar.
    1. What action(s) led to my feeling this way?
    2. Is this action within my scope of control?  If yes, ask “what can I do differently than I am doing now that will contribute to a different result?  If the answer is no, ask “what can I do to help myself let go of actions that are beyond my influence?
  3. Write what you will do to rid yourself of the economic blues.  Identify what action you must to take, identify your commitment, and what the goal accomplishment will look like.  Have a clear mental picture of your destination so you will recognize your accomplishment when it happens.

In our next Motivation Unlimited seminar June 13, 2009, LAX Hilton, we will expand on your personal successes in our Transition Toward Personal Success seminar.  This 4 ½-hour fun and interactive workshop will allow you to learn more about you and what environments best support your personal success.

You will go on a behavioral shopping spree that will create a positive buzz about differences in folks, develop insight to contributing factors that influence how you see and respond to life’s happenings, and develop the right mental attitude for your personal well being.

Are you ready for an invigorating and fun Saturday morning while gaining greater awareness to the way you perceive life’s happenings and your response to them? Transition Toward Personal Success is the seminar where you learn why believing is seeing the unlimited potential in you!

Visit us at Motivation Unlimited for our summer seminar schedule.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

U R a Success!

  1. Inform everyone in your home environment (significant other, children, sister, brother, pet) that will need 12 minutes alone and uninterrupted.
  2. Pour a glass of your favorite beverage.
  3. Locate the most comfortable seat in your home, sit, sip your beverage and just relax a moment.
  4. Next, apply the following bullet points:
  • Close your eyes and visualize what success looks like to you. It could be the promotion you seek, the grade you pursue, or the purchase of your dream home.
  • See yourself celebrating your success! Feel your success! Breathe your success!
  • Allow yourself to accept your visualization – your mental picture – as fact.
  • Open your eyes, breathe deeply, you have recognized your success!

5. The most important takeaway from this exercise is if you do not visualize your success, you may not recognize it as it passes you by.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Action & Belief

Action is based and influenced on your beliefs and sustainable as your beliefs are strong. Remain strong in your conviction and the changeless core of belief in your abilities, and you will be compelled to action… focused and succinct action that contributes to consistent achievement of desires and goal accomplishment. -Reginald

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Identifying personal desires is the first step of making your dreams come true. Unfortunately too many of us suffer from the “Here in January, gone in February” syndrome. You know the many made few kept promises made every New Years day.
We make the promise with best intentions and this year we really are going to make it happen. The only issue with this philosophical approach is we seldom clarify any other contributors for success.
Our empowerment formula of D+N+C+B = R is a time tested approach toward achieving what you desire to accomplish. The two-axis 12-step approach, when used, practically guarantees to produce desired results. The Personal Vision Table® is our tool that integrates and maps D+N+C+B = R into 12-steps to vision attainment and personal empowerment.
The D in our D+N+C+B formula is desire. Every success story begins with a desire. Write a clear and vivid desire you have. The clearer you are in writing your desire the more focused you will be to making the desire a reality. For example, I want to take a trip to Tahiti during the summer, so I will decrease my entertainment spending over the next 90-days by $250.
Now write three actions you must do on a daily basis to make the desire a reality. Continued from the example above, I will 1) Not see anymore Saturday evening movies in a theatre. 2) Check-out movies free from the local library. 3) Put the saved money into a “Tahiti” savings account.

The Personal Vision Table is a powerful tool in accomplishing anything you desire in life and an excellent self-accountability partner. When you hold yourself accountable you are telling yourself and the environment that you perceive yourself as powerful and the environment as favorable. As Louis Armstrong so eloquently thinks to himself and I must agree “What a wonderful world!” Enjoy the power of Desire in your life; it is my gift to you. Join us at one of our motivation unlimited seminars to learn the rest of the D+N+C+B = R formula. -Reginald

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Almost Gave Up!

Yesterday I considered throwing in the towel on my desire to grow my firm. After four years developing my small corporation, last 18-months have been brutal financially and mentally. I was feeling a bit down and had a serious case of the woe-is-me syndrome. However, I have chosen not to go down the spiral road of negativity, as it is the essence of self-doubt and the proverbial self-fulfilling prophecy.

I had to reflect and recommit to my desires as the impetus for action and the catalyst for goal accomplishment. During my reflection – of which this posting is a part – I am identifying the contributors to my self doubt so I may assess them and attempt something different; something that will keep me accountable to the actions required for my desire to blossom from the world of my mind to the physical world which I live. I will keep you posted. -Reginald

Sunday, February 8, 2009

They are the workforce of a Wiki Generation

According to a 2004 study from the Society of Human Resource Management titled “Leadership Styles: Generational Differences” workplace traits for the Baby Boomers include giving maximum support, being results driven and planning to stay with the organization for the long term. For Generation X the workplace traits are being technological savvy, informality, learn quickly and wanting a work/life balance. Generation Y workplace traits include needing supervision, being technologically savvy and informality. Baby Boomers may be 30% of the population but they are the heart of today’s organizational leadership possessing organizational traits to complement their success and progression in organizations that do not readily transcend to the next two generation of leaders and emerging leaders. The organization that seeks employee feedback, integrates organizational fitness profiling, and are flexible in their approach to leadership, will benefit most in the 21st century. A management-focused structure in the organizational viability of yesterday is tasks delegation, project status, and readiness checks as forms of measurement and achievement; of course this contributes to a sound business-plan and is a factor in achieving less than desired results. 21st Century organizations must flex their leadership models and succession plans to include the core values and work traits of their Generation X and Y members to maintain organizational viability in the age of “open collaboration,” immediacy of video streaming, and personal interest of RSS feeds. Wiki, Wiki. - Reginald

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Additional Tools for the Tool Belt

A tool, in literal terms means; a handheld device that aids in accomplishing a task.
When I think of a tool, I envision a hammer, screw driver, or other devise used in a carpenter’s tool belt. I would like to offer a tool for your tool belt to assist you in your professional and personal life. Today’s tool (which happens to be two) is the old fashion pen and paper. Write Things Down! Technology makes tasks achievement somewhat easier – writing tasks down will reinforce the item written.

Accountability contributes to intrinsic motivation

My take on motivation? Motivation is the process that accounts for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal. Persistence is the length of time a person can maintain their efforts. If an individual is able to see his/her goals from conception to fruition, their motivation and persistence are high. In essence, the greater the passion, focus, and determination for an objective or goal, the greater the intrinsic motivation will be.

Leisure Time: Saturdays with the Family

A moment of reflection... When deadlines need to be met, you need to “right a wrong” or “put out another’s fire,” don’t forget the ones committed to you most. Ink-in your calendar of events to take your loved ones to the beach, park, zoo, or see a movie. Commit to the ones committed to you.

Do accountability and the fear of loss assist in getting you out of bed?

Personal accountability motivates a person to get out of bed and ready for the day. What gets you out of bed?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Step Three: Vision Attention

Vision Attention: You must make a personal commitment to nurture your vision, ensuring that it receives equal priority to the perceived urgent and important items in your life. Send me an email at and I will email you our Personal Vision Table. Reference your Personal Vision Table to remind yourself what “motivates me most” and give your vision the attention it deserves.

Intrinsic Desires… Your wish is your command

A vision of goal attainment gives validity to your purpose. Ensuring that goals are aligned to what satisfies you in lieu of addressing what dissatisfies you, increase the possibility of developing a plan that will contribute to you being satisfied. When you are fulfilled with your current reality you have higher levels of self motivation that contribute to your satisfaction. Intrinsic desires once discovered and tapped strongly influence motivation and are an integral component in personal empowerment. Identified desires increase the possibility of developing a plan or a goal that will contribute to your happiness. How you perceive yourself in relation to your environment is evident by your interest and desire to maintain direction and examination of your life goals – personal and professional. Self empowerment occurs by default from the integration of your ideas and perceptions into your daily behavior contributing to the realization of your desires. To echo the great wisdom of Eleanor Roosevelt, “The future belongs to those that believe in the beauty of their dreams”

Steps to Personal Empowerment

1. Accept the power of your intrinsic desires
2. Identify your personal vision and its immense influence
3. Identify the behaviors that will support the realization of your vision/dreams
4. Begin the journey of evolutionary change
5. Experience the journey of self empowerment

Personal faith will contribute to unlimited potential

The world is largely as you perceive it to be. Quite often, you may be unaware of intrinsic beliefs that influence your perception of the environment and how the perception will influence your response. According to Dr. William Marston you either perceive the environment as favorable or unfavorable then perceive yourself as either more powerful or less powerful than the environment. When you identify a vision your personal commitment to the vision is enhanced and you will begin the journey of evolutionary change of your environment; accomplishments of your desires. Your motivational efforts will directly correspond to your level of self commitment.

Motivation is the process that accounts for your intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward making your vision a reality. Persistence is the length of time you can maintain your effort to close the gap between your current reality and your goal(s). When you are able to see your desires/goals from conception to fruition, your motivation and persistence are high. In essence, the greater your passion, focus and determination for a desire, the greater your intrinsic motivation will be to make it come true. If you treat your personal vision in a compassionate and endearing way, your vision will often respond in like manner – a type of cause and effect symbiotic relationship. Belief in yourself is instrumental in being your compass as you navigate the passages leading to the realization of your desires and living your personal vision.