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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

U R a Success!

  1. Inform everyone in your home environment (significant other, children, sister, brother, pet) that will need 12 minutes alone and uninterrupted.
  2. Pour a glass of your favorite beverage.
  3. Locate the most comfortable seat in your home, sit, sip your beverage and just relax a moment.
  4. Next, apply the following bullet points:
  • Close your eyes and visualize what success looks like to you. It could be the promotion you seek, the grade you pursue, or the purchase of your dream home.
  • See yourself celebrating your success! Feel your success! Breathe your success!
  • Allow yourself to accept your visualization – your mental picture – as fact.
  • Open your eyes, breathe deeply, you have recognized your success!

5. The most important takeaway from this exercise is if you do not visualize your success, you may not recognize it as it passes you by.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Action & Belief

Action is based and influenced on your beliefs and sustainable as your beliefs are strong. Remain strong in your conviction and the changeless core of belief in your abilities, and you will be compelled to action… focused and succinct action that contributes to consistent achievement of desires and goal accomplishment. -Reginald

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Identifying personal desires is the first step of making your dreams come true. Unfortunately too many of us suffer from the “Here in January, gone in February” syndrome. You know the many made few kept promises made every New Years day.
We make the promise with best intentions and this year we really are going to make it happen. The only issue with this philosophical approach is we seldom clarify any other contributors for success.
Our empowerment formula of D+N+C+B = R is a time tested approach toward achieving what you desire to accomplish. The two-axis 12-step approach, when used, practically guarantees to produce desired results. The Personal Vision Table® is our tool that integrates and maps D+N+C+B = R into 12-steps to vision attainment and personal empowerment.
The D in our D+N+C+B formula is desire. Every success story begins with a desire. Write a clear and vivid desire you have. The clearer you are in writing your desire the more focused you will be to making the desire a reality. For example, I want to take a trip to Tahiti during the summer, so I will decrease my entertainment spending over the next 90-days by $250.
Now write three actions you must do on a daily basis to make the desire a reality. Continued from the example above, I will 1) Not see anymore Saturday evening movies in a theatre. 2) Check-out movies free from the local library. 3) Put the saved money into a “Tahiti” savings account.

The Personal Vision Table is a powerful tool in accomplishing anything you desire in life and an excellent self-accountability partner. When you hold yourself accountable you are telling yourself and the environment that you perceive yourself as powerful and the environment as favorable. As Louis Armstrong so eloquently thinks to himself and I must agree “What a wonderful world!” Enjoy the power of Desire in your life; it is my gift to you. Join us at one of our motivation unlimited seminars to learn the rest of the D+N+C+B = R formula. -Reginald